Family & Friends from the United States

800px-Flag_of_the_United_StatesThis page provides information about family and friends from the United States who attended the 2013 AAIAA launch.  For information about attendees from elsewhere in the world, click on the appropriate following link:


IMG_2177Jonathan (Jon) Trumbull Isham, Jr. & 
Tracy Himmel

Prof. Jon Isham is a sixth-great-grandson of John Isham of Barnstable, the progenitor of the New England Ishams.

He is the Director of Middlebury College’s Environmental Studies and the Faculty Director of the Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship, which began in January 2012.  He shares his expertise in social entrepreneurship, 21st-century global challenges, climate change, environmental economics, environmental policy, and microeconomics. Institutional determinants of well-being and sustainability are the focus of his research.  He is pictured with Sir Norman in Lamport Hall.

Tracy Himmel (center, wife of Jon Isham) conversing with Gerald Kingsbury (L) and another Lamport guestNow Assistant Director of Career Services at Middlebury College, Jon’s wife Tracy Himmel has experience in both non-profit and for-profit business management. Previously, she was a developer of international markets for the forest products industry and environmental sector. She is a graduate of Emory University with a BA in International Studies.  She is pictured visiting with other AAIAA launch attendees at All Saints Church, Lamport.

JonGirlsLibbyJon, Tracy, and their three daughters–Faith, Katie, and Lily–attended the 2013 AAIAA launch event.

IshamGirlsThe Isham daughters are pictured in the High Room with their father, Libby Brayshaw, and Letitia Bason-Leone and at home in Vermont.


Screen Shot 2014-03-31 at 7.10.53 PMEdward Dana Mitchell

With his siblings, Ed Mitchell owns Dogham Farm in Charles City, Virginia. Including his daughters’ generation, it has been home to 13 generations of Royall and Isham descendants beginning with Katherine Banks Royall Isham. Through his mother, Roxane Harrison Mitchell, Ed is a descendant of both daughters of Katherine and Capt. Henry Isham of Bermuda Hundred, Mary Isham Randolph and Anne Isham Eppes.  Through the Randolphs and Eppeses and other First Families of Virginia, he is related to many of his longtime neighbors–current or recent owners of historic James River plantations, including the Carters of Shirley, the Tylers of Sherwood Forest, and the Ruffins, formerly of Evelynton.

A graduate of Duke University, he is currently the Managing Director of Devon USA, a commercial real estate firm in Richmond, Virginia, and has spent his career in the real estate and finance industries.

NormanMitchellsEd is pictured in front of Lamport Hall during the 2013 AAIAA launch with Katherine Finn Godin (now his wife) as well as his three daughters, Julia, Frances, and Carolyn, respectively.  Also, in the High Room, he and his daughters are pictured with Sir Norman.


Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 12.27.47 PMKeith Curry Lance

Keith Curry Lance (left) is a descendant, through both of his parents, of Katherine Banks Royall Isham and her first husband, Joseph Royall–and thus, a distant “double step-cousin” of the Ishams and double half-cousin of the Mitchells.  In other words, he says, a friend of the family.

Keith is a library research consultant, working with the Colorado-based RSL Research Group as well as independently.  From 1987 to 2007, he was the founding director of the Library Research Service at the Colorado State Library.  His research has focused on measuring library resources and services and their impact on library users.

In 1996, he and friend and colleague Diana Ray Tope met the Mitchell family at Dogham Farm, and, through them, two years later, Sir Ian.  Over the course of many years of shared travels throughout the United Kingdom, their friendship with Sir Ian expanded to include the family of his brother and sister-in-law, Norman and Joan, now Sir Norman and Lady Isham.

Keith is married to John Bisceglia, a retired accountant and former minister.  They met at their church, First Congregational Church in Boulder, Colorado, where John, a longtime member, serves as a volunteer pastoral counselor and Bible study teacher.  He also maintains lifelong avocations as a restorer of antique furniture and an artist in both wood and fabric.

J&K at Dogham 2013Keith was accompanied to the 2013 AAIAA launch by Diana.

Keith and John as well as Diana are pictured during their visit with the Mitchells at Dogham Farm (including Ed’s mother Roxane Harrison Mitchell, center)  during the Westover Church Autumn Pilgrimage in late September 2013–a few months after the AAIAA launch.


DianaTopeDiana Ray Tope

Diana Ray Tope–a retired regional library director and former Deputy State Librarian in Georgia (USA)–is a longtime friend of the Isham family.  She and Keith Lance met doing committee work together in Washington, D.C. in the 1990s.  In the mid-1990s, they met the Mitchells in Virginia, and subsequently Sir Ian, then his brother Norman and family, in England.


As Isham family friends, they attended Sir Ian’s last Lamport event in 2000, and were pleased to return there for the AAIAA launch in 2013.

Diana is pictured with Sir Ian in the Library at Lamport Hall in 2006.

Diana’s friendship with the Isham family is being carried into the next generation by her daughters Jennifer Stanton and Keri Tope (left: 1st and 4th; right: 2nd and 3rd from right), who got to know the Ishams and Brayshaws in London and Alton in May 2012. They see Richard Isham (left: 2nd from left) from time to time when business brings him to the U.S.



U.S. Invitees Unable to Attend

Jonathan (Jon) Trumbull Isham, Sr., father of Jon Isham

Margaret (Peggy) Isham, sister of Jon Isham

Elizabeth (Beth) Isham Nichols, sister of Jon Isham

Christopher Isham, cousin of Jon Isham

Ralph Isham, cousin of Jon Isham