About This Website

This page describes the origins of the website and its major original content.  Other issues addressed include photographs, privacy issues, and corrections.

Design and Use

AAIAA.net was designed by Keith Curry Lance in March and April 2014, using the WordPress platform. This design makes it possible to use the website on desktop and notebook computers, computer tablets, and smartphones. On smartphone screens, some spacing of text and location of photographs will be slightly distorted, but should remain intelligible.

Throughout the website, links to other pages as well as to other websites appear in a dark blue font. Clicking on such a link may take the visitor to another website. To return to AAIAA.net, click the back arrow button on your device’s browser. Most AAIAA.net pages, other than PDF files, will display the organization’s name at the top of the page and, in the right sidebar, the Isham coat of arms, the major website navigation buttons, and recent AAIAA Facebook posts.

Major Original Content and Its Origins

The official AAIAA Documents (reached from the Documents navigation button) were created by Sir Norman Isham, Bart., the organization’s founder.  Historical and genealogical information was researched, written, and provided by Vincent Begley (New England Ishams) and Keith Curry Lance (Lamport, Virginia, and New England Isham descendants).  Genealogical charts regarding individuals beyond the Isham of Lamport extended family are sourced.  Most relied on Edward Paul Isham’s An Index of the Ishams in England and America:  Nine Hundred Years of History and Genealogy, which was privately published in November 1984.  Other books, contemporary newspaper accounts (e.g., engagement and wedding announcements, obituaries), and genealogical websites  were also major sources for more recent generations.


Photographs on this website include:

  • personal photographs by Richard Brayshaw, Keith Curry Lance, and others–many taken during the AAIAA launch at Lamport Hall on 23 July 2013; many others taken during travels in Virginia and England between 1996 and the present
  • public domain photographs from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the Gutenberg Project, and similar websites

Original photographs were cropped as needed to highlight individuals, buildings, or objects–with apologies to the photographers. Photographs appearing in Recent Facebook Posts (bottom of right sidebar on each page) are ones most recently posted to the AAIAA Facebook page by its users.

Privacy Issues

Most information about individuals comes from sources publicly available on the World Wide Web. Any information not available from such sources was provided by the individual in question or a close relative with the understanding that it would become part of this website. Save the organization’s founder and webmaster, no individual’s contact details (postal address, landline and mobile telephone numbers, email address) are included in this website. Anyone wishing to contact a mentioned individual may send his or her own contact information to keithlance(at)comcast(dot)net, and ask that it be passed along to the other person of interest.

At this writing, the website is not being indexed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This may change at a future date, but only after family members are consulted. If and when that happens, more information will be provided here about how the website may be being promoted online.


Every effort has been made to provide accurate information on AAIAA.net.  If you discover an error, please send a correction to keithlance(at)comcast(dot)net.