Identifying Individuals in the Group Photo on the Welcome Page


Links in parentheticals display the appropriate family tree.
“N&J” below is shorthand for Sir Norman and Joan, Lady Isham

FIRST ROW (feet on pavement in front of steps)

  1. Richard Brayshaw (husband of Libby Brayshaw, N&J’s daughter)
  2. Barbara Armishaw (Lynne Isham’s mother)
  3. Lynne Isham (wife of Vere Isham, daughter-in-law of N&J)
  4. Katie Isham (middle daughter of Jon Isham and Tracy Himmel-Isham of Vermont)
  5. Sir Norman (14th Baronet; husband of Joan; father of Libby, Richard, and Vere)
  6. Joan, Lady Isham (wife of Sir Norman; mother of Libby, Richard, and Vere)
  7. Lily Isham (youngest daughter of Jon Isham and Tracy Himmel-Isham)
  8. Diana Tope (friend of Keith Curry Lance)
  9. Rosemary Eady (friend of the Isham family)

SECOND ROW (those behind the shoulders of first row)

  1. Lady Lucy French (a Lowndes cousin, behind Barbara Armishaw)—then a gap to …
  2. Katherine Finn Godin (friend of Ed Mitchell)
  3. Edward Mitchell (a Randolph and Eppes descendant—in five lines—from Capt. Henry Isham of Bermuda Hundred; current owner of the Royall-Isham ancestral home, Dogham Farm in Virginia)
  4. Libby Brayshaw (daughter of N&J)
  5. Tracy Himmel-Isham (wife of Jon Isham Jr. of Vermont)—then a gap to …
  6. George Drye (Executive Director of Lamport Hall Preservation Trust; far right)

THIRD ROW (those behind the shoulders of second row)

  1. Julia Mitchell (youngest daughter of Ed Mitchell)
  2. Frances Mitchell (middle daughter of Ed Mitchell)
  3. Carolyn Mitchell (eldest daughter of Ed Mitchell)
  4. Julian Leone (youngest son of Letitia Bason-Leone, immediately above Sir Norman)
  5. Faith Isham (eldest daughter of Jon and Tracy, red hair)
  6. Keith Curry Lance (friend and distant relation of the Ishams and the Mitchells)—and only slightly behind him
  7. Richard (Rick) Isham (elder son of N&J)

FOURTH ROW (those behind the shoulders of the third row)

  1. Charles (Charlie) Isham (younger son of Rick Isham, grandson of N&J)
  2. Angus Isham (elder son of Rick Isham, grandson of N&J)
  3. Gerald Kingsbury (a Lowndes cousin, looking to his left)
  4. Letitia Bason-Leone (nee Waugh, a Schofield cousin)
  5. Oscar Isham (younger son of Vere and Lynne Isham, grandson of N&J)
  6. Joan Wood (wife of cousin of Joan, Lady Isham)
  7. Jonathan (Jon) Trumbull Isham, Jr (a descendant of John Isham of Barnstable, progenitor of the New England Ishams)

FIFTH ROW (those behind the shoulders of the fourth row)

  1. Oliver Kingsbury (nephew of Gerald Kingsbury, a Lowndes cousin)
  2. Michael Ryan (an Ogilvie cousin)
  3. Carol Ryan (wife of Michael Ryan, an Ogilvie cousin)
  4. Max Isham (elder son of Vere and Lynne, grandson of N&J)
  5. Vere Isham (younger son of N&J)
  6. Mark Goodman (Pytchley churchwarden and friend of Rosemary Eady)
  7. Walter Wood (cousin of Joan, Lady Isham)
  8. Willum Butterfield (Chairman, Board of Trustees, Lamport Hall Preservation Trust; face partially obscured by Richard Isham)