Family in Australia

Flag_of_Australia.svgThis page provides information about the Isham family in Australia.  For information about attendees of the 2013 AAIAA launch, click on the following appropriate link:


Steve and Marion and new bookSteve (Stephen) & Marion Isham

Steve Isham is a seventh-great-grandson of John Isham of Barnstable. Having left the United States when 11 years old, he and Marion his wife, live in Margate, Tasmania, Australia.

Steve taught high school art for many years but in recent decades collaborates with Marion to create books for children which they sell each week from a regular stall at Hobart’s Salamanca Market.

bandicootbooksExamples of their books can be seen (and ordered) at

Steve also enjoys oil painting particularly portraits, and writes poetry.

Steve’s and Marion’s Christian faith informs their worldview.

They have 3 married children, sons, Luke and Seth, and daughter Shiloh.  They have four grandchildren and a fifth on the way.

While they were unable to attend the 2013 AAIA launch event, Steve may be the living American with the longest acquaintance of the UK Ishams and Lamport Hall.  He visited Sir Gyles there, when the 12th Baronet was still in residence, and he also met Sir Ian, the 13th Baronet, with whom he became a regular correspondent.

N & J 14 SeptSirIanIsham13thBt

In 2009, he produced a portrait of Sir Ian, and, in 2014, a double portrait of the 14th Baronet and his wife, Sir Norman and (Joan) Lady Isham.  Both portraits are now on display at Lamport Hall, linking Isham kin from the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.

Isham family Tasmania 2014Left to right:  Ned (Edward) Isham (bald – undergoing treatment for leukemia); Emily Isham; Seth Isham (Steve & Marion’s son); Marion Isham; Steve (Stephen) Isham; Lucy Isham, in front of Steve, (Seth & Emily’s daughter); Eva (Evangeline) Isham (Luke & Amy’s daughter); Shiloh Longbottom (Steve & Marion’s daughter); Will (William) Longbottom (Shiloh’s husband); Luke Isham (Steve & Marion’s son); Sol (Solomon) Isham; Amy Isham

In September 2018, Steve ecorded an informal series of YouTube videos to convey his knowledge of Isham family hisotry to his posterity first-hand.