The Ishams of New England: John Isham of Barnstable and His Descendants

This page provides links to information about New England Isham descendants.  For information about other Isham descendants, click on the following links:

John Isham of Barnstable (pictured in front of their home, Barnstable, with his wife Jane Parker in a speculative portrait by Steve Isham of Tasmania) is a somewhat mysterious figure.  The first record of him in Massachusetts was in 1670.

While his origins are uncertain, there is strong suspicion that he first immigrated from England to Virginia, and from there to Massachusetts.  Accordingly, it is assumed that he, like Capt. Henry Isham, is a descendant of the Ishams of Pytchley.

In 2021, Y-DNA tests taken by a male member of the baronetical family and one of John of Barnstable’s male-line descendants confirmed that they share a common male-line ancestor.

L0     The “John Isham Legend” by Vincent Begley, Genealogist

In addition to exploring the “legend” of John Isham of Barnstable, this document traces the line of Ralph Heyward Isham and his descendants through sons Henry Hayward Isham and Jonathan Trumbull Isham (Sr).  It offers many interesting details about the history of this family.

L1       Generation 1:  John Isham of Barnstable, 1654-1713
L2       Generation 1, continued
L3       Generation 2:  Joseph Isham, 1704-1798
L4       Generation 3:  Joseph Isham, Jr., 1735-1810
L5       Generation 4:  Ralph Isham, 1776-1845
L6       Generation 5:  Ralph Henry Isham, 1809-1889 – Generation 6:  Henry Heyward Isham, 1847-1922
L7       Generation 6, continued
L8       Generation 7:   Ralph Heyward Isham, 1890-1955
L9       Generation 8:  Heyward Isham, 1926-2009 – Jonathan Trumbull Isham, b. 1929

N00     Descendants of John Isham of Barnstable

The following series of charts details selected descendants of John Isham of Barnstable.  It focuses on descendants residing mostly in the northeastern United States and a branch of the New England family that migrated to the U.S. Midwest before immigrating to Australia’s island state, Tasmania.

N01     The Ishams of New England: Descendants of Ralph Heyward Isham and His Wife Margaret Dorothy Hurt 
N02     The Guldens:  A Distaff Branch of the Ishams of New England:  Descendants of Samantha Isham  Gulden, Daughter of Ralph Heyward Isham and His Wife Marion Gaynor
N03     The Ishams of Isham Park and the “Lincoln” Ishams
N04     The Ishams of Tasmania:  Descendants of Stephen Isham and His Wife Marion Westerman 
N05     The Other Norman M. Isham, Architect
N06     Mark Isham, Film & TV Composer
N07     Dr. George Snow Isham, Builder of the Isham Mansion, Chicago

Isham Family Story Videos

In September 2018, Steve Isham of Tasmania recorded an informal series of YouTube videos to convey his knowledge of Isham family history to his posterity first-hand.